Phantom traffic jams - the ones that seemingly occur without an obvious cause like a bottleneck or incident - can be created by the collective human driving behavior alone. Since automated vehicles can take over some driving tasks such as speed control from humans, they may be able to reduce the occurrence of these jams, if those vehicles are properly designed. This project explored the possibility of automated vehicles to reduce the presence of phantom traffic jams in settings when only as few as 5% of the vehicles are automated, and the rest remain under human control. The project delivered new mathematical models and control algorithms that were demonstrated in theory, computer simulations, and field experiments to eliminate phantom traffic jams. Using a real automated vehicle and more than 20 human drivers, field experiments were conducted that validated the concept that automated vehicles can in fact smooth traffic flow. The main findings of the project are as follows.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CNS-1446715 (Piccoli), CNS-1446690 (Seibold), CNS-1446435 (Lysecky and Sprinkle), and CNS-1446702 (Work) through the project, CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low-Density Autonomous Vehicles.